Wednesday 15th August was Cycle to Work Day – the UK’s biggest cycle commuting event. Since its foundation in 2012, Cycle to Work Day has encouraged thousands of people to use pedal power to get to work.
To celebrate the launch of the new #secretcycles bike sharing scheme at PW (think Boris bikes, but for PW tenants) on Cycle to Work Day, the team at beryl bought 41 of you who downloaded the app a free coffee from Ross in the courtyard!
What is #secretcycles?
#secretcycles is a free-to-use bike share scheme, exclusively for the Perseverance Works community. The scheme is a test-bed for the new bike share technologies that are being developed by beryl, and part of a project to look at the future of bikesharing in cities.
Good news! beryl are still feeling generous and willing to fuel your caffeine intake.
Download the #secretcycles app and complete your first free ride and beryl will shout you to a coffee from Ross in the courtyard.
All you need to do is show Ross the message that shows on the app once you’ve completed your ride.
To read more about beryl (the artist formerly known as Blaze), check out an article we wrote about their mission to make city cycling safer.
Happy cycling!