Step away from your desk to breathe

Perseverance Works yoga

Step away from your desk to breathe, bend and stretch for 45 minutes at lunchtime


Perseverance Works offers yoga classes, led by Kate, to all residents and staff on site. You’re welcome to join us, whether you are new to yoga, more experienced, or just want to step away from your desk to breathe at lunch.

Classes are always 12:45 to 1:30; usually Wednesdays although sometimes this may have to move to accommodate schedules. During the winter, classes will be held in 2 Printing House Yard and once it’s warm again, we will relocate up to the roof!

Email Kate  with any questions , or to join the mailing list, and stay up to date on the location and day of the class each week.

Classes are £5 each; you can pay by cash or card. Half the mats are available to book in advance, using this link  The other half are available for drop-ins, as we know not everyone has their week planned in advance!

If you book a spot, please be courteous to others and cancel if you can no longer make it. At 12:44, we will give away any pre-booked mats to walk-ins.