PW was delighted to speak at an event hosted this morning at the Greater London Authority, having recently been awarded vouchers to support the installation of fibre optic broadband.
After appearing on BBC News last night in a piece about broadband in Tech City, Paul spoke to delegates at the event Super Connected Cities, Broadband Grants for Property Agents and Landlords. Listeners were keen to hear about the application process since PW was recently awarded 30 vouchers for broadband installation – the greatest number granted yet by the Super Connected Cities initiative.

Following its launch in May 2013, it has taken more than a year to get 21st century connectivity at affordable prices for PW tenants at the heart of London’s start-up hub. In October, the tender went out to industry with a number of providers invited to pitch to the PW board. In the end PW and PHY contracted Fibre Options to provide a 16Gbps fibre access service to each tenant, using infrastructure that will be owned by the tenants and available to all network providers.
Now the campaign needs you. If you have been sent a voucher application, it’s time to knuckle down and fill it out. The application has taken tenants around 15 minutes on average – probably less than it takes to send a file via current broadband!